The Flood and the Wetland

The Flood and the Wetland

We have recently had a flood, not a big one by our standards but enough to close the road and cover a large part of this farm for about 30 hours. It was not a real concern as we are used to having one or two floods per year. However this was the first significant...
Telling the Story on RNZ Country Life

Telling the Story on RNZ Country Life

Words by Jane Riddiford “What you are doing here might make a good story for my programme”, said our neighbour Sally, who had come along to one of our monthly volunteer mornings. In between pulling back the thick thatch and planting wetland trees and grasses, we...
Thoughts about Water

Thoughts about Water

Words by Yvonne and Jane Riddiford I never thought at this stage in my life I would be getting a crash course from my mother on the water cycle. When Yvonne heard we were hosting another field trip by the Ruamāhanga river for the year three class from Kahutara school,...
The Making of a Bush Classroom

The Making of a Bush Classroom

The light was just reaching into the edge of the bush. I was laying out small squares of planting mat on the humps in the ground and large pieces of cardboard over a huge fallen trunk. Rod was not far away in a circular opening in the trees, laying down a string...
Finding Shared History

Finding Shared History

Words by Yvonne Riddiford As you can appreciate, now in my hundredth year, I arrived well before the technology did … but I can see that there are advantages to it. One of these arrived the other day when Jane and I received an email from somebody quite unknown. She...
Finding Stories in the Land

Finding Stories in the Land

Over the last few months our Te Reo o te Wai project has taken us on a journey with a year 3 and 4 class from Kahutara School . We have travelled alongside the twists and turns of the Ruamāhanga river and all that live in and around her waters. We have observed and...