In the Footsteps of Shared Commitment

In the Footsteps of Shared Commitment

We had a heartening visit a few weeks ago from the trustees of the Ruamahanga Restoration Trust. As we walked down to the river and shared tea in the ti kouka grove It was encouraging to feel so much shared ground as we explored how we can support and compliment each...
Calming of the Waters

Calming of the Waters

It was late at night and my mind was racing. I could hear the sound of Rod on the piano at the other end of the house and heavy rain falling on our tin roof. Yet again the waters of our river would be rising and all became uncertain again. How do we prepare for...
Finding Our Way

Finding Our Way

It was back in 2021 that the shared vision that has become Mauri oho began to emerge between my sisters Liz and Lucy, my husband Rod, our mother Yvonne and myself. As I began to research how to begin a wetland restoration project all roads seemed to lead to Rawiri...