The following Haiku poetry follows the traditional 5,7,5 syllable pattern. It was written after a Te Reo o te Wai field trip visit to Waihinga Bush. The bush remnant is on the Smith Family farm alongside the Ruamāhanga River just south of Martinborough and is a good example of Podocarp Forest, with majestic mātai, totara, kahikatea and titoki trees. It is now fenced and set aside with QE11 Covenant. After hearing a story beside the river year 3 and 4 were involved in planting understory trees, supported by Trevor Thompson from QE11. After many years of grazing the understory is slowly being restored. The fire mentioned in some of the Haiku refers to a mythical story shared by Rod, about a bird drawing the water from the river to save a forest that was burning.

Shovel Digging Deep
Soil is brown and feels like sand
Tree roots stepping down

Awesome totara
It is tall and beautiful
I feel excited

I love totara
Beautiful green bush
I feel strong warm love

Walking in the bush
I felt happy and hungry
I saw a fat worm

The piwakawaka flies
Kahikatea stays still
All trees grow gently

Massive blazing fire
Burning the trees and the homes
The birds fly away

Strong hot burning fire
Totara feeling sad
Little bird come help
Maddy D

Massive blazing fire
Burning the trees and the homes
The birds fly away

Strong hot burning fire
Water cold feeling freezing
Leaves are blowing up
Maddy M

Tiny little bird
Trying to save the mushroom
From a tiny fire