Reflecting on Water

Reflecting on Water

Year Three Kahutara School, July 4th 2024 After planting trees in the riparian edge of the river on Ruamāhanga Farm and spending time being quiet beside the water the children sat inside our new field classroom, AKA bell tent. As a group we gathered words that...
Waihinga Bush Writing

Waihinga Bush Writing

Southend School – Year 6 Montessori Class, June 2024 Using different senses, year 6 gently made their way to the middle of the bush. There they contemplated the billions of years of evolution involved in creating what is a wonderful example of riparian podocarp...
Kahutara Year 3 and 4 Writing

Kahutara Year 3 and 4 Writing

This Leaning into Literacy session happened back in the classroom after the third Te Reo o Te Wai field trip. As with all the previous trips we started on the bank above the Ruamāhanga river. This time Kara Kenny from Mountains to Sea, introduced some of the fish,...

Kahutara Year 3 and 4 Haiku

The following Haiku poetry follows the traditional 5,7,5 syllable pattern. It was written after a Te Reo o te Wai field trip visit to Waihinga Bush. The bush remnant is on the Smith Family farm alongside the Ruamāhanga River just south of Martinborough and is a good...
The Journey of a Sunflower

The Journey of a Sunflower

Written after field trips Ruamāhanga Farm to pick and learn about Sunflowers February 2024 Kahutara School – Years 3 & 4 I was in the deep dark soil and I felt calm still and happy – Harley Rose I tried as hard as I could and then I burst open and saw...

Voices of the Ruamāhanga – Free Fall Writing

Martinborough School Year 6 and 7 As a tiny droplet of water … Jamie – I began falling from the sky as rain with all my brothers and sisters, we were all small and innocent and when I fell to the ground I felt my siblings all coming together making a large...